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- Oriza L.Legrand
Oriza L.Legrand, perfumes
As beauty awakes and unveils her forgotten charms to the world, the magic of the past operates once more. La Maison Oriza L. Legrand was founded in 1720 under Louis XV. For centuries it evolved at the heart of the perfume industry with panache and elegance, boasting inspired creations and technical innovations. Oriza's founder, Fargeon Aîné, was a member of the renown Montpellier based perfumer family Fargeon. He was thought to have received his perfumes and cosmetic secrets from famous courtesan Ninon de Lenclos, whose everlasting youth and beauty were admired and envied by the whole court. This association made his fame and Oriza's legend thus began. His
successors , Antonin Raynaud and L. Legrand nurtured this heritage through modern times. They combined tradition to industrial and scientific progress to create new and exciting products. From simple craftsman and merchants, Raynaud and Legrand became powerful industrialists who helped establish perfume as a sensual and luxury item. Both were true masters of their art. When running through Maison Oriza L.Legrand's archives, one appreciates the extent to which its olfactory creations anticipate societal changes. When opening one of Oriza L.Legrand's flacon, one's history seems to unfold under one's nostrils. Emotions are unspoiled. Perfume has the ability to stimulate what is most intimate and incontrollable in our inner selves, memory. The evocative power of perfume revives beings, places, lost sensations, as well as forever lost moments.
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1 650 kr